CIDRAM: Classless Inter-Domain Routing Access Manager.

What is CIDRAM?

CIDRAM (Classless Inter-Domain Routing Access Manager) is a PHP script designed to protect websites by blocking requests originating from IP addresses regarded as being sources of undesirable traffic, including (but not limited to) traffic from non-human access endpoints, cloud services, spambots, scrapers, etc. It does this by calculating the possible CIDRs of the IP addresses supplied from inbound requests and then attempting to match these possible CIDRs against its signature files (these signature files contain lists of CIDRs of IP addresses regarded as being sources of undesirable traffic); If matches are found, the requests are blocked. For information regarding HOW TO INSTALL and HOW TO USE CIDRAM, please refer to the documentation (direct links to that documentation included under the "Documentation" header below this paragraph).



[] Current major version development status [] Want to help?

[] Security Policy

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